We believe that technology is a pervasive force that creates massive opportunities for those who navigate it, and unprecedented threats to those who don't. Our vision is to help companies who don't have access to world-class data science and software engineering teams to leverage state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and modern software toolsets to stay competitive and thrive in this new climate.
Client value creation: Our core focus is to solve client problems and to make them operate more effectively. Seek out opportunities to delight customers in unique ways. Share knowledge and experiences with colleagues and build internal tools to increase the overall value we provide as a team.
Relationships & communication: Build strong, meaningful, and enjoyable relationships in work and in life. To succeed, use technology to collaborate and deliberately over-communicate. To fail, use technology to isolate yourself and ignore others. Cultivate a team and culture that you love and find fulfilling.
Continous, applied learning: Technology moves quickly and business churn is faster than ever. Always be learning and always apply what you've learned. Priotitize learning from conversations and completing practical projects over learning from texbooks and documentation.
We are always on the lookout for great talent to join our team. Whether part-time, full-time, remote, or on-site, reach out directly with a copy of your resume or a link to your LinkedIn profile if you are interested.
Reach outHave questions? Reach out to a technology strategy expert. Schedule a free conslutation to explore how your organization can acclimate.
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